Choose To Go

Kennedy to Congress on a Thursday afternoon
Pepping up his nation, and asking for the Moon
Land a man and bring him back, by close of ‘69
No space mission would be “more impressive to mankind”.

Now John F’s in Houston asking, why so wild a scheme?
Answering “We choose to go,” choose to live that dream
Not because it’s easy, but because the way is hard
America will tool up, choose to go the extra yard.

Suddenly in Dallas, on a Friday afternoon
That man of vision dies.
So if you think you measure up to his ideal, choose to go.
Step up to the plate and make the daydream real: choose to go.

Grissom, White and Chaffee are the first Apollo crew
Wondering if NASA bit off more than it could chew
Everyone aware of how the months are rolling by
Corners cut, jobs done in haste to make Apollo fly

Then at Cape Canaveral, on a Friday afternoon
Three quiet heroes die.
So if your resolution’s now precarious, choose to go.
Do not waste the lives of Roger, Ed & Gus; choose to go.
And if you think you measure up to their ideal, choose to go.
Step up to the plate and make the daydream real: choose to go.
Choose to go.
Choose to go…